Thursday, December 4, 2008

November in Snowy Alaska

So we just got back from a visit to snowy Alaska! Jacob and I went up to Anchorage for his sister Cristins wedding. This was actually the first time Jacob has been back to Alaska since we got married and moved away over 4 years ago! It was such great timeing because we actually got to tell Jacobs whole family in person about the baby and we got to spend Thanksgiving with our family, something we havent done for over 5 years now! Of course it was snowing while we were there and got to a crisp -9 degrees! We still had a great time and so much fun with all of our family and friends.

Here is Thanksgiving day, we ended up having Thanksgiving dinner at the church because there were so many people there!
Here is the day of the wedding. Jacob and Caleb with their sister Cristin who made an absolutely gorgeous bride! Jacob and Caleb were ushers. The best part about this picture was the photographer said ok boys give your sister a kiss on the cheek, they all three looked at eachother then looked at the photographer and said Um No... ha ha ahhhhh my mushy husband.

I was one of Cristins Bridesmaids, here we are before the wedding.

Here is Cristin with all of her bridesmaids, just a few minutes before she was going to become Cristin Bowser!

Chase and Cristin cutting the cake at the reception, before they headed off for three weeks in Florida! Jacobs uncle Danny made their cake, and he was the same person who made ours so not only was it beautiful it was delicous too!
Jacob and I slow dancing at the reception:)

We spent one day n Port Alsworth with my family. Just a quick trip out in the morning and back again that night. My papa makes the best sourdough pancakes in the entire world. That is always one of my fave. things about coming home!

With Menda and Sonnet, enjoying some sister time before I had to leave.

This was the first time we have had my whole family together since our wedding over 4 years ago so we got a family shot. Of course there were a lot less 4 years ago than there are now!

We had left our wedding cake topper at Jacobs mom's house. It was pretty funny because traditionally you are suppossed to eat it on your one year anniversary. Well we were living in Washington so Vickie saved it for us this whole time and thawed it out while we were home. It was frozen for over 4 years.... I wonder why Jacob wouldnt take a bite?

Our last night in Alaska , Jacobs Grandma Shirley took us all to dinner at Applebees. Jacobs mom Vickie, Jacob and me, his cousin Katie and Caleb and his girlfriend Julieanne. It was a fun trip but we are glad to be back in California sunshine!

Home is where your heart is

So we did it, we are finally home owners! We moved into our very first home together about two weeks ago:) I wasnt much help because about a week before that Jacob and I found out that we will be expecting our first baby in July! We are so excited, the due date right now is set for July 8th and when I went in and had my first ultrasound we saw a clear picture of our little sweet pea and its beating heart! What a miracle! we feel so blessed and so excited so have a house for our children to grow up in!
Here are Eric and Kurtis moving in the couch and Jacob supervising:) We are so thankful for all of our good friends that came over and helped us move that day!
So not everything is set up yet, since we got on a plane for Alaska just one week after moving in but here is the start of the bedroom sort of thrown together, eventually I would like to paint some of the rooms but that is going to have to wait for now.

Here is the living room, complete with fire place!

And I think my fave. part of the whole house- The kitchen! I love the granite countertops, its so much fun and so much room compared to what we have been living in. God is so good!

Monday, October 27, 2008

I Heart Jack Johnson!

Every year in October the Brdige school for disabled children holds a benefit concert. This year one of their main acts was Jack Johnson so Angela and i being the fans that we are decided to go:)

Here we are at the beginning of the concert around 2:30. We figured Jack Johnson would go on around 4, but when we got there we found out he would be basically one of the very last acts to perform:( The concert is put on by Neil Young so he did a lot of guest apperances. Besides Jack Johnson, Death Cab for Cutie, Wilco, Norah Jones, Smashing Pumpkins and Josh Groban were there.
I thought my family would be very excited to see the Josh Groban stuff:) He came out and im gonna say he is just a bit of a dork. Needless to say he was wearing plaid and glasses so Angela absolutely fell in love and you cant deny that he does have an absolutely gorgeous voice!

Here he is singing one of his songs, all decked out in plaid:)

Here is a video of Josh Groban singing and Angela confessing her love for him...

So finally after 6 hours it was time for Jack Johnson to come out- here is Angela all ready for the big perfomance!

And there he is... Jack Johnson!

Here he is singing Wasting Time, one of my fave. Jack Johnson songs! It is so much fun to hear him perform since live he sounds exactly like he does on his albums! He also sang constellations and Better Together which are my two very fave songs of him! And finally after we got to hear Jack Johnson we decided to call it a night and skipped out on Neil Young. It was a long sort of shilly day but lots of fun... and hey we did it for the kids:)!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Fright Fest...

Fright Fest is here! Every year at Six Flags, the park gets all decorated for halloween and fright fest. During the day its all kid oriented and then at night they do haunted houses and have "zombies" walking around to scare you. I am terrified of well everything so I spent most of the time with my eyes closed clutching the person clostest too me.
Here we are kicking it off at 5:00. dr. Proctor is in the middle she is the most wonderful veterinarian in the entire world! These are some of our best friends here, Angela, Kelly and Kory.

Carissa, Me, Kelly and Angela getting ready to ride some coasters then heard to spooky sealion show.

Jacob and I in the front plaza of the park, its starting to get dark.... so scary!

This is such a typical picture of Jacob telling me not to take his picture.... What a silly boy. This is before we went in to one of the haunted houses Camp Chaos and I was just telling him how it is not funny for him to try and scare me on purpose....

In line for Camp Chaos, I dont know why i get so scared, I put my hood up and clutched on to Carissa's arm the entire time, I never opened my eyes once yet I still seemed to do all the screaming. Apparently I was squeezing Carissas hand pretty tight poor girl... I hope her fingers are ok today!
We met up with our seasonal Kurtis so we could get some pictures with him before we ended the night and went to our monster free home!

So During the day its not quite so scary... This is Jordan posing for some halloween pictures with a pumpkin.

Java the bush baby taking a bite out of my nose.

This is my costume I have to wear for our halloween show that we do during the day. A Witches Brew and A Wildlife Zoo. So my coati Mya decided to pose with me for a few shots:)

My best friend st Wildlife Kimberly,we decided to use both bats for the show so here we are getting ready to go out to perform:)

And finally a picture of Java all dressed up. He is such a cute pie:) I definately prefer the "daytime monsters"!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

A visit from my sister!

Sonnet and Andy were here a few days ago with their family visiting us:) it was so much fun to see them:)
We of course went our for Indian food where I introduced Sonnet to Saag Paneer and bahtura:) She was a big fan! She also had sushi for the first time and tried her first In-N-Out burger- it was quite the adventure for her!

Here is uncle Jacob with Sonnet and Andys youngest Tyler. It was the first time Jacob had ever met Silas, Teagann or Tyler so it was fun for him:)

Giving some kisses to miss Teagann Skye:), I cant believe how much she looks like Zoe now!

We of course went to the park so that they could see where I work and meet some animals, Mya really liked Andy a lot:)

They got to meet Taj the 67 year old elephant. Here they all are, Sonnet with Teagann and Silas, Ali and Tyler and Andy and Zoe

Zoe loved Java the bush baby, and Java was quite taken with her as well.

Teagann wasnt quite so sure about Java

Miss Ali and I in front of In N Out

It was a long day so we took a nice nap at the hotel

One of the only time you will ever see me in the water unless its a hot tub!

Uncle Jacob and Teagann:) We had so much fun, the only bad part about family visits is how much more we miss them all after they leave!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Home sweet HOME!

Looks like we finally have a winner! On monday we met our agent and house inspector at 2:00 to get our house inspections and make sure there was nothing terrible going on with the house that we couldnt see. after 3 hours of carefully looking over every detail of the place the inspector was very happy to announce that our house is in excellent shape! No major problems, just a few minor fix it yourselfs. If all continues to go smoothly we will be closing October 30th and be home owners for the first time! Please continue to pray that it all goes well, God has been so good!

This is the outside of the house... First thing I want to do is plant a palm tree.... you cant live in California without a palm tree!

The Kitchen! One of the major reasons I totally fell in love with this house, it is so beautiful brand new marble counter tops and stainless steel fridge:) I finally can have a real kichen!

This is the big sun room area, Jacob is going to turn this into his "man fort:)" A big work out room dedicated to the miami dolphins im sure:)

and finally the back yard, plenty of room for the girls to run around, we even have our own little apple tree- a lemon tree is definately going in next:) Its the perfect started home and worth the wait to own a home in California! After we move in i will definately post more pictures of what everything looks like with all of our stuff in it:)

Monday, September 22, 2008

Georgia on my mind

It has been so crazy busy over the past month or so, i am not very good at keeping up with this lately. The past few weeks I have been helping out cleaning Kevin Keiths compound. He is out on the road right now doing shows but he has a few animals that have stayed here in California. Georgia a spider monkey definately is one of my very faves! She is such a sweetheart and she loves to sit on my lap and cuddle with me!

She gives the best hugs!

We have gotten to be such great buddies i am a little sad that it is almost over and I wont be helping out there as much:(