Sunday, August 31, 2008

A visit from good friends!

Last week our good friends Corbett and Rachel Haas came to visit us for two days. Corbett was in the same class at Grace as Jacob and I, and was one of Jacobs best friends in high school. It was so fun to have them here!
We went to the park and took pictures with Merlin the dolphin:) It was about 95 degrees out that day so we all enjoyed the sunshine!

We rode the roller coasters... This is Medusa

And then of course we met some animals. Here is a picture of corbett and rachel with Java the bush baby.

We also road the elephants, met and fed the giraffes and of course took pictures with a bunch of animals from Wildlife. Here we are with Mya my Coati girl. For some reason she absolutely adores Jacob and wouldnt get off of his head:) it was pretty cute

It was such a great visit and we hope they will come back to see us soon!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

4 year anniversary!

4 years ago today I said "I DO" to the most wonderful man in the entire world! We have had such a great 4 years of marriage together and I can't believe how fast it has gone! Jacob has been with me supporting and loving me as I chased my dream of becoming an animal trainer and he has never complained about my crazy hours, stinky clothes when i come or even having bear cubs in our house. We have gone from Alaska, to Washington, to Idaho and finally California. And here we are planning on staying! Happy news, we had an offer on a house accepted a few days ago so hopefully we will be closing on a house in Fairfield by the end of September! But to get back to the amazing day we had celebrating our anniversary...
We drove to calistoga about an hour away near Napa Valley and decided to be tourists and tour a vineyard. It was actually very interesting and so beautiful.

Some wine grapes grown at Sterling Vineyards

Overlooking Napa Valley

I think the coolest thing about this vineyard is when you get there you have to take an air tram up the mountain to the main building. It was so gorgeous!

Beautiful Northern California! Once we got to the top we walked around the winery and checked out the napa valley views! It was a perfect 98 degrees out:)

And so we had a beautiful and very romantic afternoon together. I am so thankful for the amazing man God gave me and I am looking forward to the rest of our lives together:)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Swimming with Ella!

Yesterday I got to do one of the most amazing things I have ever done in my life... I got to go swimming with a two month old baby sea lion named Ella!
Here is Ella before the swim checking out my camera:)

Here she is checking me out... Not quite sure what to think and not sure if she should get in the water or not

After checking out what was up on the land she had to look in the water to make sure everything was ok there too:)

So here we are swimming in the water! Ella would come and lay on me( you can see her on my legs) Apparently I made a good floatie:)

Here she is on my legs again... i did my best not to drown, Thank goodness for wet suits that make you float!

After we were all done in the water she gave me a wave goodbye- ok not really but doesnt it look like it:)