Monday, February 23, 2009

Heart Day:)

So I know that I owe lots of pictures, it has been a very busy past few weeks. My Grandparents and Aunt and Uncle came down to visit and in just a few hours my parents will be here for a week:) I am really excited to have all this family coming to see us and on Thursday my parents are going with us to the doctor to find out if we are having a boy or a girl(Lord willing) It is also my dads birthday that day an my mom and I are going to swim wit dolphins so it should be pretty exciting. I will put pictures up very soon of all the family visits:)

I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentines day as well. Jacob has always made our Valentines day very special and this was the last one we will celebrate without kids- that seems so crazy to me! Valentines Day also marks 4 1/2 years of marriage for us so it was very special. Jacob bought me beautiful lillys(he knows I hate roses ecspecially red ones...) and kept telling me he wasnt getting me a big gift this year. Well I came home from work Saturday night and my wonderful husband had saved up money to buy me a camcorder! I wanted one so bad before the baby was born, it was so thoughtful of him, he really is an amazing guy! He also cooked me dinner that night and gave me a foot massage... what else could I ask for:) I am so blessed to have:)

Yesterday marked another milestone for us as well. I was 20 weeks through my pregnancy yesterday which means half way done! We are so excited to meet our little one!